miércoles, 8 de noviembre de 2017

miércoles, 4 de octubre de 2017

Long Vowel Uu and Vowel Diagraph -oo-

Long Vowel U: -ue, u-e, ui, -ew 

Read these words aloud. Try!

Diagraph -oo-: Moon and Zoo

Read these words aloud. Try!

Let's watch two videos to practice these sounds.

Let's play and learn. Click on the following.

martes, 27 de junio de 2017

Reading Time



Can you point to these pictures? A frog, toad, garden and growing seeds. Talk about them.

Resultado de imagen para frog
Resultado de imagen para garden

Resultado de imagen para growing seeds

Resultado de imagen para toad

Listen to the teacher telling a story about  a toad and a frog and a special growing seed.

Resultado de imagen para reading time

Watch and read the story below.

Resultado de imagen para reading time

Reading Comprehension Quiz

1. Who are the characters in the story?

A.  Toad and Frog

B.  Plants and Flowers

C.  Two Jumpy Frogs

2. What is the setting?

A. A beautiful park

B. A garden

C. A jungle

3. Can you tell what is correct? Circle  the best sentence.

A. First,  Frog  gives seeds to Toad.

B:  First, Toad gives seeds to Frog.

A: Then, Frog plants the seeds in the garden.

B: Then, Toad plants the seeds in the garden.

 A: Toad is not patient because the seeds are not growing.

B:  Toad is not patient because he wants to  eat plants fast.

A: Toad  sings, reads poems and plays music for the seed to grow.

B: Toad sings, reads poems and plays music for Frog.

A: At last, the seeds start growing and Toad gets happy.

B: At last, the seeds don't grow and Toad gets sad.

lunes, 19 de junio de 2017

Verb to Be

Let's practice together the verb " TO BE" like  AM, IS and ARE.

Practice 1: Click on the following video to watch it. Listen to the first part and sing along.

Practice 2: Click on the following video to watch it. Sing along. Try.

Practice 3: Read the verb TO BE and check out its contractions.

 Resultado de imagen para verb to be

Practice 4: Write AM, Is and ARE correctly.
Resultado de imagen para verb to be

TIME TO PLAY Click here to play a fun game to practice verb TO BE.

EXTRA GAME Click here to play a cool game of action verbs.

lunes, 22 de mayo de 2017

Tomás Rivera

Resultado de imagen para Tomas Rivera story
Resultado de imagen para Tomas Rivera story 

Do you like reading stories?

This is real  Tomás Rivera.  He was a boy raised in a farm who loved reading books. When he grew up, he became a teacher.

Try reading this story at home. Pick the slow or fast version. Practice



lunes, 15 de mayo de 2017

Long Aa Vowel Sound


Read the words aloud.


Read the words from the chart aloud.

Watch the following videos. Think about the Long A sounds: -ay, -ai-, a-e

 Click on PRACTICE 1. Make a match.

Click on PRACTICE 2. Click on the right pictures.

Click here on READING QUIZ.